IIT Jammu is one of the newest IITs and is the most sought-after college in the region. Ecosense Installed Green Hydrogen Generation System at IIT Jammu.
What is an AEM based Hydrogen Generation System?
AEM based hydrogen generation system is a technology that utilizes an AEM (Alkaline Electrolyte Membrane) to generate hydrogen gas through an electrochemical process known as water electrolysis. This system uses an AEM as electrolyte instead of a traditional solid polymer electrolyte, allowing for more efficient and cost-effective hydrogen production. The hydrogen produced can be used for various purposes, such as energy storage, fuel for transportation and as feedstock for chemical industry.
AEM based hydrogen generation system work by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen through electrolysis. During this process, an electrical current is passed through an aqueous solution containing a positive and negative electrode. The positive electrode, called anode, oxidizes water to release oxygen gas. The negative electrode, called cathode, reduces water to generate hydrogen gas. The AEM acts as the electrolyte and serves to separate the two electrodes and transport ions between them.
Advantages of using an AEM in hydrogen generation over traditional solid polymer electrolytes include:
• Higher ionic conductivity, which leads to improved efficiency and lower energy consumption.
• More tolerant to containments and impurities, leading to improved durability and longer lifespan.
• Higher operating temperatures, allowing for more compact and cost-effective designs.
Ecosense’s AEM based Hydrogen Generation System
The system uses an AEM based hydrogen generation setup along with a water purification/deionisation system and a hydrogen dryer. When the Hydrogen Generation setup is powered via a Renewable source, the hydrogen produced is known as “Green Hydrogen.”
Generation Process
Step 1: De-ionisation of water using distillation setup
Step 2: Hydrogen Generation from AEM Electrolyser
Step 3: Hydrogen Drying through a desiccant based hydrogen dryer
Step 4: Collection of 99.9% pure hydrogen into a pressurised tank.
Technical Advantages of the system
• Modular and Scalable design
• System is rigorously tested and can work continuously without switching off
• Require very less space for installation
• Reliable Quality: Basically, no after sales service is required
• System comes with an illustrated experiment manual detailing every wiring connection to be made
• Specifications can be customized as per requirement
• Detailed demonstration and training of system is done during commissioning of the system
Technical Characteristics of the system
• Study variation of hydrogen output with change in pressure
• Cloud Connected Remote operation
• Simultaneous operation of Fuel Cell as well as electrolyser
• An active measurement panel to measure gas pressure at different points
• Option to add more electrolysers in parallel
Research options for further development
• System can be developed as a grid-connected system
• System can be developed as a hybrid grid connected system
Ecosense Installed Green Hydrogen Generation System at IIT Jammu
Master’s Training Conducted
Ecosense also conducted a master’s training. This master’s training program was designed to educate and prepare professors, researchers and technicians in Green Technologies who would go on to instruct thousands of students and professionals in this sector as they launch their careers or businesses.
Program Outcomes
The instructors and students had a great time working on the lab equipment and will use this setup to further their research in this very field.